Inaugural Jane B. Avery Keepsakes Award
News | Published: July 31, 2022

In 2021, the Board of Directors of Our Town Theatre created the JBA Keepsakes Award to honor the legacy of Jane B. Avery. We set aside $2,000 to award to high school seniors in the graduating class of 2022. Since it was the inaugural year of the award we only had three seniors who researched, wrote, and performed an historical monologue.

Last year, the intention was to award monetary amounts to three seniors from the Northern school district, and to three seniors from the Southern school district.

The Board decided to award the entire amount to the three competitors, who were scored and judged on the basis of their written monologues and performances, with these results:

Lillian Argabrite - $1,000
Kaden Darkstar - $600
Kelli Catulle - $400

The awards for the 2022-2023 school year seniors will remain the same. Seniors can pick up guidelines and submission forms in their guidance office, or from their Drama/English teachers. All seniors from other disciplines, or other Garrett County educational systems, are encouraged to apply for the JBA Keepsakes Award.

If you would like to honor the memory of Jane Avery, and potentially increase the amounts of the awards, donations may be directed to the Keepsakes Legacy Fund.

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